Saturday, February 19, 2011

I am in America for last 3 years, Deptt in sending notices, want to take VRS

I am a teacher and now in america for last 3 years.My child is studying here after getting scholarship ,Being the only parent I am here with her which i can manage till now by providing medical certificate. NOW department is sending me show cause and enquiry against me. I n this situation if I want to resign or voluntairly get retirement as I worked for 18 years.can you guide me what to to in such case and how long i have to be in delhi for all this done. please reply


1 comment:

DELTA said...

Your case was put before General Secretary of DELTA.

He recalled your case and telephonic conversations.

This is not a case of Ms Sarika... but someone else....and we want not to disclose your identity here.

You are telling a lie... as you are in Australia since last 3 years.

Why you change your identity and send mails by different names and using different emails?

We all are hurt by your changing nature and attitude.

We have been suggesting and guiding you since last 3 years without taking a single paisa from you.

But you tried to wear a long silence when a mail was sent to you last year demanding some financial contribution.... and the results were same as expected... you denied....!!!

Sorry.... you are blacklisted.