I am PGT in JNV, Morena. My basic pay (old) on 01/01/2006 is Rs.6700. After fixation my basic pay is 12470 + 4800 (grade pay) i.e. 17270. but a new employee who is appointed on 1/01/2006 had drown basic pay 18150. this is injustice with me. as a senio, i widraw less salary. plz justify?
Deepak Agrawal,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
PGT in KV with 6900 as basic on 01/06
I was appointed as PGT Chemistry in KV on 15/09/03.My basic was Rs 6900/- on 1.1.2006 .Can u tell me what will be my new basic on 1.1.2006 as per 6cpc.
May I get arrears too if worked on contract in july 07
i am self Ajit Raj. i am working as PRT in a Army school
i am working in this school since 9 July 2007 as contracted / term based (for one year)on pay scale 4500-125-7000 with all allowance(DP+DA+TA+CCA+HRA+MA).
In MAY month (16 MAY 2008) My service become regular based with same pay scale (without any brake of my service).
sir/mam i want know form you........................
My Question .............
1) I am eligible for take arrears form 9 July 2007 to 14 May 2008.
please reply me sir/mam............
it is urgent for not only me near about 20 teacher in my school where i am working.
Ajit Raj,PRT
i am working in this school since 9 July 2007 as contracted / term based (for one year)on pay scale 4500-125-7000 with all allowance(DP+DA+TA+CCA+HRA+MA).
In MAY month (16 MAY 2008) My service become regular based with same pay scale (without any brake of my service).
sir/mam i want know form you........................
My Question .............
1) I am eligible for take arrears form 9 July 2007 to 14 May 2008.
please reply me sir/mam............
it is urgent for not only me near about 20 teacher in my school where i am working.
Ajit Raj,PRT
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I have completed 14 years as PRT, what should be my pay
We are working in Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan.I have completed 14 years as PRT.Plz tell us what is my fixation. I got sr. scale in july 2007
When we will get the right pay
When government will give arrears and new pay scale according to right fitment table.
I will be appointed as Principal very soon
I will be appointed as the principal very soon. May i pl. know the BP,GP AND THE TA. and the gross salary to be paid as per the govt. rules. Presently i am PGT.What would be the gratuity after serving my school for 18 years?
Renu Bhatia
Renu Bhatia
क्या मैं ९ वीं तथा १० वीं नहीं पढ़ा सकती
मैं सीबीएसई से मान्यता प्राप्त स्कूल में टी जी टी हिन्दी के पद पर कार्यरत हूँ.प्राचार्य ने मुझे क्लास ६ ७ ८ पड़ने को दिया है.मैं जानना चाहती हूँ कि टी जी टी ६ ७ ८ ९ १० क्लास्सेस पड़ा सकता है या नहीं?मैं एम ऐ , बी एड हूँ.क्या इससे सम्बंधित नियम कानून कही लिखित रूप से मिल सकते हैं ?
सोनी स्वरुप
सोनी स्वरुप
Can the minority insitutions follow the Govt rules
What about the earned leave given to the teachers? are they entititled or not? can the minority institutions follow the govt. rule at their own convenience?what can be done if the minority institution does not give arrears or the new pay scale to its emplyees?kindly give the reply at the earliest and urgently.
Sheela Jha
Sheela Jha
Tell my pay as part A Schedule I, section II
Please tell me my pay in pay band as per sixth pay comission. according to detail given below. date of appointment. 10/09/2002 as pgtin kv sangathan . pay scale 6500-200-10500.basic pay as on 1/01/2006 7100.while kvs accepet entry scale as given in part A schedule I. section II.
Anupamma Khan
KVS, Assam
Anupamma Khan
KVS, Assam
I am appointed as PGT from TGT
Please tellme my pay in pay band. asper sixth pay commision.if i am appiointed PGT from TGT in kvsangathan in march 2005 and my basic pay is fixed 7300. so please tell me what are the my pay in pay band on 1/1/2006. date of appointment as PGT IN KVSANGATHAN 4/3/2005. BASIC PAY 7300. PAY SCALE 6500-200-10500.
Shokat Ali
KVS Assam
Shokat Ali
KVS Assam
I am PGT in KVS, what should be the entry pay
Please tell me what are my salary as per 6th pay comm. i joined as TGT in Sept-2003 in KVS and i have been selected as PGT in KVS as on Nov-2008. What are the my basic pay as on 01.01.2006 as TGT and where my basic pay is fixed in Nov-2008 as PGT.
C P Jerwal
KVS, Khatkati, Assam
C P Jerwal
KVS, Khatkati, Assam