Sunday, October 11, 2009

Suggesting for making you a better organisation than others...

This suggestion is for better organizing & increasing productive output by DELTA. After perusal of various FAQ\'s / suggestions / reviews by think tank, please explore the feasibility of identifying specific proposed actions [OUR PROJECTS] under specific heads e.g. ACP Matters proposed to be taken up / Pay Commission Anomalies proposed to be taken up / Leave Matters proposed to be taken up etc. Members may be encouraged to post their suggestions under such Project Groups. The Core Team may include specific cases after perusal & confirmation of each suggestion. Matters with IDENTICAL subject should be taken up. Non Identical matters SHOULD NOT BE CLUBBED. The accepted suggestions proposed to be included in Projects may be advised to members for submitting print & signed copies in particular TEMPLATE and with nominal charges if necessary.
Shushma Rani Jain, Delhi

Kindly let me know how to pay the contribution

I want to be a member of your organisation. Kindly let me know Draft should be drawn in favour of___? and Payable at___?. Is it possible to send it by core banking? So that you would get it easily and me too the less trouble of waiting in queue to collect draft? Please respond at the earliest.
Sajith S Nair
Bhuj, Gujrat

I want to swap from NVS to KVS

I have some query regarding above mentioned subjects (1) I am working in NVS(Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti) as TGT, if I want to go as TGT in KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan) through proper channel whether my past service will count in KVS? (2) pay protection will be applicable to me or not? (3) age relaxation is applicable to me in competitive exams as central govt employee applicable ? (4)What Pension scheme will apply for me? I have joined in Dec.2003 and covered with CPF.
Shashi Bhushan

क्या आप दूसरी संस्थाओं की मदद कर सकते हैं

हमारी संस्था दिल्ली के अर्बन इलाके में पाँच महीने से काम कर रही है। हम लोग यहाँ महिला सशक्तिकरण, शिक्षा, युवा वर्ग और स्वास्थ्य के लिये काम कर रहे हैं। हमारी संस्था को कुछ कार्यों के लिये आपकी संस्था से आर्थिक मदद की जरूरत है। क्या आप हमारी इसमें मदद कर सकते हैं? जानकारी के लिये कार्य स्थल की जानकारियाँ साथ भेज रही हूँ।

What is the age of retirement of school teachers

I would like to know the retirement age of school teachers? I was given retirement by my school this year at the age of 60. However, they have reappointed me at a rate of 700 per day and I donot get any leaves and only working days are calculated for salary i.e. now I am a daily wager. Though all my duties are the same. I retired as a Vice-Prncipal of a Public school. My qouestions are: 1. What is the retirement of age of school teachers? Is it 60 or 62 yrs? 2. Secondly, if I have been reappointed then what is the revised pay of guest teachers? Kindly address my concerns as now my salary is not even half of what I was getting earlier.
Ruchi Sharma