Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Please tell me the salary of new PGT

Can you please tell me the Salary of New PGT's who have joined on 2007, in KV.


DELTA said...

Please see the 'Download" page of the website and certainly your doubt will be cleared.

DELTA said...

Newly appointed (between 01/01/2006 to 01/09/2008) PGT will get 18150+allowances where newly appointed TGT will get 17140+allowances.

Unknown said...

May I request you to clarify the starting salary of teachers who have joined in October 2008, ie after 01/09/2008

DELTA said...

Dear Rajendra,
First we will like to tell you that this comment box is not for asking questions but only to write answers of the related question published.
If you want to get your question published please write on the page named as 'write us'.
The answer to your query is simple and there is no doubt that all newly appointed teachers after 01/01/2006 (no matters they are appointed in oct 2008 or will be appointed in Oct 2010),they will get the first entry scale of PGT as 13150+4800=18150 + allowances.The same will be implemented to promoted teachers also.Yet some officers are trying to deny the fact but they are living in Fool's paradise.