Friday, March 5, 2010

The decisions in NAC meetings thrown me in distress

The decision taken in the NAC meeting put in Download page of our website thrown me in to distress as I had some hope that if the demand for fixation of minimum pay of merged scales agreed by the NAC we the upgraded scaled people of teaching community certainly get the minimum prescribed scale for new entrant in respected categories and then effect of bunching also. This is my opinion only. Learned people who are working for our teaching community may have better vision in this aspect. Hence kindly let me know whether are there any chances of getting upgraded basic fixation along with bunching effect. In my last letter I REQUESTED THAT LET ME KNOW WHETHER BUNCHING EFFECTED TO INITIAL CADRES OF 4500,5500,AND 6500 I.E TO PST,TGT ,PGT OF INITIAL CATEGORY of KVS or NVS.NO REPLY WAS GIVEN TO THAT ASPECT . I hope that i may get this time . I once again applaud the work which is being done by this portal to our teaching community sir. THANKING YOU
Nagabhusanarao Mula,
E C Railway Primary school,
Vizianagram, Andhra Pradesh

1 comment:

DELTA said...

There is nothing to worry in the recent minutes of meetings published on the download page of

The Govt side is right on the issue of upgradation and merger of pay scales. It is the staff side who are wrongly demanding to multiply the basic of 6500 (7450 in case of TGT) to multiply by 1.86

In fact the side side is totally wrong and unable to understand the meaning of upgradation.

We are HUNDRED PERCENT agree with GOVT side on this point.

You have to read more about the methods of pay fixation. You will get ‘bunched scales”.

Keep patience.

We are trying our best to communicate all developments in this field. Every thing is going in right direction.

Your little contribution will help us to fight better.

The entry scales and decisions of KVS and NVS are already published on the page ‘download’. We think, these are enough for your query.