Thursday, April 1, 2010

DAV Public school detained my daughter in clas VI, Kindly help the child

My daughter has been detained in class VI (2009-10) due to poor performance in final examination by DAV Public School Gurgaon She is below average student and now under stress. I request the colege to kindly promote her in next class to motivate her and avoid negative impact on her. I will be highly thank ful to you ,if you can help us and guide us to tackle this situation and safe guard the rights of my daughter as growing student. Kindly inform us wheather any school can detain/fail any student due to below average performance in examinanation as per Child right to education law and CBSE guidelines up to class VIII. Please help my daughter.
Dr. J N Pandey
Gurgaon (Haryana)

1 comment:

DELTA said...

Respected Dr. J N Pandey,

The Govt is dedicated to implement No Detention Policy in Education from class 1 to class 10.

Most of the Govt schools in most of the states are following the rules drafted by Min. of HRD.

Since DAV runs under private management, the Govt have no direct control over them.

If the school had been given public land on lease it comes under RTI act and you are advised to seek the reasons of detaining, the answer sheets of the student, the copies of other students and many more things under this act.

You can approach Consumer court with the reciepts of fee which was paid for better education.

You have to demand clarification under RTI from the Distt education officer of Gurgaon and CBSE but not from the school directly.

You are advised to file a complaint first to DEO of Gurgaon and CBSE.

Certainly it will take time and the student cant wait for it.

You should take middle path to manage with the school authorities first and then slowly and slowly tight the screws over them.
