Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We are not getting even pen, duster from Principals

I want to know that why not govt provide any fund of pen,duster and any other seem little but important thing for discharging duties.even nonteaching get full facilities on the behalf of discharging the time of teacher is it not for profession or personal.even teachers are treated below the ivth class for asking basic facilities.hos not with suggest how can we get these basic facilities from HOS in the rightful manner.

1 comment:

DELTA said...

Respected Mr.Rakesh

Thanks for the mail.

Chalk and duster can be purchased from the PWF (pupil welfare fund), PTA(parent teacher associatiin)or the General Contingency.File an RTI in your school because principals are APIO(Assistant Public Information Officer) now. Ask your principal or give full details of such 'CROCODILES'.

This letter shows the real face of Education Departments in India where crores of money is being 'begged' from the World Bank on the name of EDUCATION. We are inviting some RTI activists to SEE such Principals.