ACP to teachers -fixation of pay
1. A C P Scheme is implemented to all central govt employees wef 9-8-99 . Do the teachers of puducherry U.T. eligible or not?
2. Will the senior scale prior to 9-8-99 run concurrently?
3.If not, how to switch over from senior scale to 1st ACP on 9-8-99 ?
4.Both are having identical scale.In senior scale a teacher gets only higher scale and not notional increment as in the cases of regular promotion and insitu promotion. so, while switching over to ACP from senior scale , is not the teacher eligible for the notional increment under FR 22 1 a 1 ?
5.Could the teacher be forfeited the benefits of senior scale prior to 9-8-99 in the name of conferring 1st ACP?
6. ACP scheme is meant to benefit one without promotion above 12 years of service. while conferring ACP would he get loss?
7.Is there any clarification from DOPT ,particularly about teachers.Give the order. 8.Without taking the senior scale (in my case from 20- 2 -90),can we go back to the entry scale and calculate the basic pay upto 9-8-99 and fix ACP?
8.In regular promotion from senior scale PST to HM Primary /TGT,the pay is fixed , though they are identical ,he is fixed in the same scale but with notional increment under FR 22 1 a 1 .Is there any order to reject the same method to fix the pay while switching over to ACP from SENIOR scale?
Sir ,without a clarification from DOPT DELHI,thousands of teachers of puducherry are not implemnted a clear order for 11 years. Bureaucrats of puducherry want only block the implementation. Could u all please help us to get a clarification to this effect?
M. Vasudevan,
KGMS Davidpet, Puducherry
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Please see other posts on this BLOG regarding fixation under F R 22 to know the present progress.
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