Sunday, December 26, 2010

My basic has been re- fixed for removing anomalies

i\'m an employee of navodaya vidyalaya samiti,joined in 2003 i\'m working as a remove anamolies from pay scale our basic has been re re fix the basic the samiti has fixed the salaries of tgts on subject basis.for example they looked for different persons in different subjects who have joined on or before 01/01/2006.and so treated all the tgts differently,also despite being all india service,regional offices of samiti has taken different standerds in different regions to fix the salary of tgts. now there is no uniformity of salaries.can it be possible?pl advise.

Hemchandra Srivastava

1 comment:

DELTA said...

All TGTs are needed to be taken under consideration in a deptt. there is no provision of removal of anomaly on the basis of subjectwise.

If you have been re-fixed, you are in hurry. You will be re-fixed again after implementation of Bunching in scales of TGT also.