Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I have to search a junior getting more pay than me

I am pgt teacher in the prevoious scale of 6500-200-10500. my basic pay at the time of 01.01.2006 was 6900. i got the revised pay scale of 12840 plus grade pay of rs 4800. where as the revised pay scale of pgt is 13350 plus employer refused to give me the new scale citing that you have to show the case of one junior who is drawing pay more than me.they are also citing one examble that since your basic pay as on 01-07-2006 is rs 13370 plus grade pay 4800, you are not eligible for rs 13350 plus 4800 scale as on 01-01-2006, kindly guide me how i should pursue my case. also suggest me the exact guidelines for pay fixation.

Rohit Singla
PGT Commerce

1 comment:

DELTA said...

Your revissed pay MUST be 14130+4800=18930 plus allowances on 01/01/2006 with the benefit of bunching. All your efforts are fruitless and you are trying to get the anomaly removed on the basis of that junior whose pay fixation is wrongly done!!!!!

Come with DELTA to proceed Court for benefit of bunching.