First, i would like to express my hearty thanks to this association. It is very helpful to the teachers.
I am an employee of KVS. I was transferred on Posting with spouse ground on 07/05/2010. But could not get relieved from my station as they made an amendment in the Transfer Guidelines on 14/05/2010 stating that working place the spouse should be within 100 km from the station to where the employee have been transferred. Then they deleted my name from the final priority list-1 as a result the person in the second came upto the first postition got transfer. In effect i didnt get transfer either in posting with spouse ground and in general ground.The guideline para.12.4(ii) states that the name of an employee should be deleted only after accommodating on posting with spouse. Till now KVS have not published the amendment on 14/05/2010 in their website. Plz help me.
John C V
1 comment:
The action taken by KVS is looking justified in first instance.
But, the case may be filed before CAT as the date of amendment is after the declaration of list.
You may try your hands with KVS in CAT.
We may provide 'assistance' to choose better advocates with expertise in field of education ONLY.
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