Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Catering Asst in NVS are being exploited, No fixed working hours, No promotion...

Large no. of catering assistants are working in a pathetic and humiliating conditions in jawahar navodaya vidyalaya samiti, Ministry of H.R.D Govt. of India. The catering asstts. are been treated step brotherly with following grievances.

1.Unjustified working hrs. for catering assistants with daily 15hrs. of working a bounded labour . It starts from serving B/F at 7:00am to 10:00pm of midnight.

2.There are no promotional avenues for catering assistants .Govt. of India has provided opportunity among the 10%of eligible Group \"D\" staff for promotion through competitive LDE for the post of LDC/store keeper as channel of promotion to Group D staff within an organisation.But it is the cat. asstts. who has been deprived of any promotional avenue.

3.Unjustified framing of recruitment rule for cat.asstt: NVS has failed to frame the recruitment rulr for the cat.asstt. The minimum essential qulification eligibility condition prescribed for the recruitment to the post of Cat. Asstt. the time in 1993 was secondary school with 3years diploma in catering technology, which was later subsequently diluted in 1995 by the NVS.

4. Unjustified pay scale for catering assistants: Pay scale of catering assistant is miserable and placed in the scale of 4000-6000. where as persons with the same level of qualification are getting higher scale.

Sir, one of the sister organisation the Sainik school under defence ministry has a post of catering manager with the scale of 5000-8000.

It has been brought to the notice of honorable officers of NVS but till date no suitable steps were initiated.

These discrepancies may kindly be sorted out that the catering assistantss may not feel humiliated while working in NVS. At last ,we appreciate your forum with hope that the depth of our sentiments are perceived by your forum, and the matter of catering assistants working in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti put forward by your forum , so that the catering assistants of NVS would be highly obliged of you for ever.
Jai Ram Trivedi
Catt. Asstt.


DELTA said...

We are highly touched by this letter.

You all NVS staff are being treated like bonded labourers and live like jailmates in an OPEN JAIL.

All these JNVs are like Cellular Jails in democratic INDIA.

We will try our best to do something.......

Unknown said...

hi i jst got selected for catering asst in hyd. and i also want to crack a good public sector job . i want to prepare for upsc should i join the job. will it allow me 2 prepare side by side. im poor.