Monday, September 29, 2008
If I am appointed as Principal...
If i am appointed as a principal in say December 2008 what would be my basic. if as PGT MY PRESENT BASIC IS 10000 and the pay scale is 7500-250-12000 what would be my salary as per 6pc and arrears since 2006 ,the increment month being APRIL.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I am in fear that librarians will loose upgraded pay
I am a Librarian in a Public School. The 5th CPC recommends as follows (in part 4b): \"We recommend that School Librarians should be recruited in the pay scale of Rs.1640-2960 with a graduate and B.Lib. qualifications at par with Trained Graduate Teacher Grade III.\" This has also been approved by the 6CPC. On the lines of above observations, I would like to know whether the CBSE has issued any notification to Schools in this regard? Because, in many schools Librarians are treated under the Administrative category only. I am in fear that the Scales for Librarians may be fixed without enhancements (as mentioned for Teachers). Sir, please guide me... Thanking you and in anticipation.
A. Chandrasekar.
A. Chandrasekar.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
What we are entitled for in Navodaya Vidyalayas
I have been working in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Since 2001 Sept. in the scale of 5500 - 175 - 9000. Since they are providing rent free quartres, other than DA, they are not providing any allowances. I request you to kindly send me the details of my salary and arrears.
thanking you
thanking you
Thursday, September 25, 2008
what are the rules for child care leave
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What are the scales of music teacher and librarian
Kindly let me know the entry scale of the following post in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan who joined the job during the year 2007 :- (a) Librarian (Existing Scale 5500-175-9000). (b) Primary Teacher (Existing Scale 4500-125-7000). (c) Music Teacher (Existing scale 4500-125-7000).
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
DELTA will be the mouthpiece of teachers
Dear DELTA Members,
A Great Initiative has been taken by DELTA to protect the rights of teachers. I hope it will be the mouthpiece for the the Teachers in coming time. All the Best wishes.
Vijay Ojha
A Great Initiative has been taken by DELTA to protect the rights of teachers. I hope it will be the mouthpiece for the the Teachers in coming time. All the Best wishes.
Vijay Ojha
HOS encourages chamchagiri and groupism
kindly give information regarding whom we should contact if the HOS encourges groupism and biased towards a group of teachers who are sincere and do not do chamchagiri.
Are these rules applicable to Kendriya Vidyalaya also
Dear Sir, I write to you on behalf of my wife who is presently working for Kendrya Vidhlaya, Pune. We would like to know if these pay scales are for K V staffs of Pune region also.
Christofer Paul, Pune
Christofer Paul, Pune
what will we get if appointed after 01/01/06
sir. I wamt to know that what will be basic salery of the teachers who are appointed after 1.1.06 for e.g. in july 2008 . there is lots of confusion in our cirle some are saying that you will get 9300+ grade pay as a TGT teacher. and what will be difference of basic pay b/w PRT AND TGT....? PLZZZZZ CLERIFY MY THESE DOUBTS
What will be salary if appointed after
What will be salary if appointed after
I think fixation is not correct
I think fixation of of PGT in PB2 with grade pay 4800 is not correct.
what newly appointed PRT will get
sir, i will we greatful to u all if u will clerify on folloing following queries.. 1. what will the new basic for those primary teacher & TGT whO are appointed after 1.1.2006 and before notification 2 How many increment they will get.
what will be my pay
my basic was 8900 on 1.1.6 pay scale 6500-10500.working as TGT.increment date is feb. acp due in feb 2007. what will be my pay.
show basic of newly-appoint TGT as 17140
sir,i think that still your calculations for new basic is wrong .in the notification the basic for a new joining after jan 2006 of grade pay 4600 is 12540 and after adding 4600 is 17140. while you are showing only 10230 with 4600 which is only 14830. so confirm it with the report and please provide correct salaries for all.
'Deccan Herald" says something else
The teachers scale is still confusing as per the paper information which is given on 24-03-2008 in 'Deccan Herald' after announcement of VI Pay commission Which is given as 15600 PB 3 and Grade pay of 5600 for PGTs where as you published in your data 9300 PB 2 is entirely confusing to us. Please clarify the information.
please calculate my arrears and TA
I am a primary school teacher.My basic was 5750 on 01-01-2006 and my scale was increament month is oct.My HRA is 10%.please calculate arear with TA
intimate pay scales of librarians
May I request you to intimate me the entry scale for Librarian in Govt School as per VI CPC applicable to those who joined Govt job during the year 2007. Existing scale is 5500-175-9000. Could you please calculate my salary as I joined the job on 26 Oct 2007 as Librarian.
Whether my basic will be 6500 or 4750
Sir, I am Primary Teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and my basic pay as on 01 Jan 2006 was Rs. 4750/-. Since the pay scale of PRT has been upgraded to Pre-revise Scale 6500-200-10500. Actually I am in confusion whether as on 01-01-2006 my basic will be considered Rs. 6500/- or Rs. 4750/-. Could you please put light on my doubt and reply me
I got senior scale in March 2003
I am a TGT mathematics in Delhi administration. i got senior scale (6500-200-10500) on March 2003. my basic pay on 1-1-2006 is 7700. now i want to know what is my salary on 1-1-2006 & 1-1-2008.
Tell me about scale of a Principal
If i am appointed as a principal, now after the pay commission what is my basic pay?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Can you please explain fixation if scales are upgraded and someone like me is working at basic of 8900 in the scale of 6500 on 1.1.06 after IACP and promoted on 27.04.06 in the same scale and fixed at 9700 on 1.10.06(month of increment and promotional benefit)In oct 2007 upgraded to scale of 7500 after II ACP and fixed at 10000 in the scale of 7500-12000.Now these scales are upgraded.How my pay will be fixed and when should I give my option for fixation for maximum benefit?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What is new ratio for GPF contribution
Just we want to know about the new ratio of GPF contribution. Is it changed or the same in the light of new pay scales? Which one is more beneficial, a GPF account or a PPF?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
We are going to launch a new forum

Today on 14th Sept 2008,(Anant Chaturdasi),we are going to launch another forum for your queries regarding service matters, rules-regulations, RTI Act 2005, court rules, welfare means, housing schemes, LTC rules, GPF rules, code of conducts, pensions ,gratuity, medical facilities etc. You all are requested to ask/ post questions on the page 'Write us ' of the website and give answers of friends on this platform. For giving answer to a particular question, just click the 'comments' button on the question published and submit. We try our best to publish IMPORTANT queries ONLY and we request you all to co-operate us as it is not possible to provide place for all mails. We hope, such common platform will be a treasure for all of us and the coming generations........