Monday, April 25, 2011

Minimum entry pay for TGT as 12540 given in Delhi or not

M y query is; whether minimum entry pay rupees 12540 would be given to TGT appointed on or before dated 1.1.2006. If it has already been given in schools under Delhi administration ,then i may be kindly issued a circular to this effect.

Saroj Kumar Mishra
O.F.School, Badmal,
Bolangir, Orissa


DELTA said...

There is complete 'anarchy' in pay fixation in Delhi.

No one knows what is the right pay scale for teachers !

Anonymous said...

Now CAT has given its judgement after a long legal battle in favour of govt. Now if you want to get 17140 you have to find a junior means appointed in 2006 send all the fact and data to DCA through proper channel to examine its worthiness to order . Go in search of junior . Dont hope directorate will issue a circular .