I s there any rule which states that a teacher who gets an average grading for one year cannot be considered for MACP. when the remaining gradings for 5 years are very good\\good.
Rajesh Verma
Delhi Educationists for Legal and Teaching Assistance (Regd.)
1 comment:
The next superior officer or a DPC (Departmental Promotion Committee) have right to make average grading on the basis of previous grading in ACR.
Even the next superior officer have right to change all the previous grading and rectify if the benefit of employee is being harmed.
ACR is just a formality. No one can prove the 'basis of grading' given if challenged in courts.
Therefore, most of the officers try to ignore the grades and sanction increments/promotions etc.
You can get ACR rule from DOPT or write us.
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