Sunday, December 26, 2010
I am librarian in public school, how I will be promoted for next grade
I am interested to join the organisation and kindly let me know the details and the donation amount also.
Mamta Amarpuri
I need CCL in probation period, working in Central Govt
Kumud Shah,
JNV, Padve Ratnagiri,
I am lecturer in Kolhan University, Need CCL
Smita Jha
whether Contract teachers are entitled for arrears of 6 th pay commision
Swati Vaidya
What is the progress of minimum pay of TGT 17140
Mahendra Singh
Baprola Vihar, New Delhi
The difference in basic of PGT and college lecturers should be rectified
Ajay Kumar
Can you do something for clash of examination dates of recruitment boards
Dear sir,
I am a student preparing for competitive exams.i have a problem with the system of the organizations they are practicing.i want to know why two organization keep a similar date of examination knowing that students will not be able to appear in both the in the case of 30 th January 2011 uco bank had first announced written exam for po.then knowing this how can national insurance company(a govt of india undertaking) announced its written exam of AO. Is this not unjustice to us that we are been stopped to give all the exams and hence not given the right to equality or freedom of equal opportunity according to the constitution.there are lots of other cases like of Punjab$sind bank po and corporation bank po written exams are also on same dates.
I request to all the concerned authorities and organizations to take some steps for this concern and let the students get equall oppourtunity for giving all the exams on their merit and make their future secure.
How to contribute for DELTA, I have filled online form
R K Pandit
Assam Rifles
Can a school calculate salary from 25th to 25th of a month
Rashi Oberoi
Children Education Allowance yearly claimed or not
Mohan Singh Yadav
I want to assist DELTA
Usha Parashar,
Retired Teacher,
Shahdara, Delhi
I want to work for DELTA through internet
I want to be a member of DELTA and contribute whatever way possible.
Sanjeev Singh
Hans Enclave,
Gurgaon, Haryana
I am re-employed, whether I am eligible for bonus
Sudesh Bala
My basic has been re- fixed for removing anomalies
Hemchandra Srivastava
KVS allowed me not intime to apply for another job in Delhi
At present i am working as pgt in kvs,i got appointment on 01/07/2008,still i am in probation.i have two quries,plz answer these-
1. I got fed up with kvs job.i want to fill the form of delhi government tgt/pgt exam.while filling form it is always asked ,apply through proper channel if you are government employee and you have to give non-objection certificate after problem is this that,once when i applied through proper channel ,kvs did not give me permission for applying. How can they resist me from my betterment?
2- isn\'t it the voilation of my fundamental right of choosing favourable job?
3- isn\'t it their dictatorship?can i challenge them via court/rti?
4-is there any harm if i hide my present service and apply and get selected?
5-do kvs/nvs have any right to prevent us from applying for any other job?
6- sir i have to apply at any rate,and kvs is not giving me permission.
clearley tell the way so that i can apply? Plz help me sir,plz help me.i m highly tensed upto depression.i beg! I will be highly oblized to you for your thios act of kindness.
Abhinav Ken
PGT were given the benefit of bunching or not
Please clarify whether senior trained graduate teachers and senior pgt.s were given the benefit of bunching ( 1 increment for every two years of service rendered) while fixing the pay as per 6 cpc.
Pl. Clarify.
Thanking you for doing the needful
Univ. Of hyd. Campus school
Clarify my eligibility for the 2nd ACP
Mrs Anuradha Bedarkar
C 4 Galaxy Apartments
I have sent contribution to DELTA
I have sent Rs 100/ through e-banking, on your a/c of DELTA from SBI LBSNAA, Mussoorie please acknowledge.
Navin Chandra Pant,
CST Mussoorie
Can I send cheque for contribution to DELTA
Thank you very much for your immediate response and giving me the membership. Please inform me about the mode of payment of contribution. Can we send at par cheque to the address given in your website. I am extremely sorry in responding late.
With regards
K V Anantpur, AP
Kindly send me the details of Bank A/C of DELTA for depositing contributions
Long back I have received a mail regarding contribution to DELTA. The details of the said mail are not available now. Kindly send me the details of the bank a/c of SBI where I can deposit my contribution through net banking.
Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai
We need full details of Right to Education Act
Nilkanta Nath
Sunshine School,
Garifa, Dist 24 Pargana,
West Bengal
What can I do to get basic as 17140
Narendra Sahare
I am terminated from the job... what could I do
Gurleen Kaur,
St. Angel School,
Rohini, New Delhi
Penalty should be imposed on First Appellate Authority for negligence in RTI matters
1. Presently, there is no provision of panelty on FAA. It is well known that most of decisions regarding furnishing/refusing/delaying information are taken by senior officers and PIO who is junior one cannot disobey senior. Ulitmately PIO is the victim of system.
2. When information is to be refused because of some section in the Act, it should be answered immediately and there is no point in waiting upto 30 days. Statutary period for refusing such information should be maximum 10 days.
Convenor Trustee,
Prakash India (NGO)
Keshav Puram,
New Delhi
Congratulations for the great service rendered by DELTA for Teaching Community
I am working in KVS and I wish to become a member of your esteemed organisation. Please inform how to send the subscription amount. I wish to bring to your kind notice for enlightening us about MACP. MACP is effective from 1.9.2008(if I am correct)and old ACP is to be implemented till the cutoff date. In case of teachers who complete 20 years/24 years till the cutoff date may not get the benefit of MACP as selection scale is restricted to only 20% of the teachers who got senior scale.Is it not great injustice to the seniors. One more issue I wish to bring to your kind notice that in our organisation it is instructed that during inservice courses the participants must stay in the campus depriving indirectly to stay in lodge. Many venue vidyalayas may not have proper facilities(cots,clean beds,mosquitoes problem,etc though circular says to provide)because particularly for PRTs training is not conducted in special training centres called ZIETs.Many participants particularly above 45 years may have many health problems.When Govt. of India is sanctioning DA to stay in hotels on official duty why teachers are deprived and made to suffer. Can something be done in this regard. I am extremely sorry for taking away much of your valuable time. With regards
K V , Anantpur,
Andhra Pradesh
Whether MCD, NVS has step-upped their seniors at par with juniors
M Nagabhushana Rao
I have applied for CCL, file sent to RDE... no one is helping !!
Sangeeta Gahlot
PGT Geography
S V-1, R K Puram Sec -2
New Delhi
I want to know the rules regarding Station Leave
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
WE want a fixation benefit for Puducherry Teachers under FR 22(1)(a)(1)
1. Letter F.No 12-10/2001-UT-1 dated 29.09.2009 of the Ministry Of HRD, Department of School Education & Literacy,New Delhi.
We are to state that the Department of School Education & Literacy of the Ministry Of HRD ,New Delhi had vide letter cited clarified that the pay of teachers in Senior /Selection Scale ,on grant of ACP shall be fixed with reference to the pay so fixed in the Entry /Senior Grade ,as the case may be and that the fall in pay, if any ,resulted in such fixation may be protected by granting personal pay adjusted future increments.
On calculation on paper there is a heavy monetary loss @5oo/-per month for 5 years from 9.8.99 despite the pay protection.This is nothing but INDIRECT recovery of benefits accrued thro’ a scheme i.e conferment of senior scale. This is totally in violation of the clarification already given at 47 of ACP scheme by DOPT and against the judgment pronounced by Supreme court in Tulsidas (Andrepradesh)case
2. in this connection ,we would like to invite your kind attention that the fixation of pay of Teachers drawing senior scale/selection scale ,on grant of financial l up gradation under ACPS,at the entry scale as on 09.08.1999 would not be consistent with the clarification No.47 under ACPS as the MHRD clarification negates the benefits of Senior /Selection scale enjoyed by the Teachers prior 09.08.1999 under a different scheme.
3. But ,the present clarification issued vide letter cited reiterates the same negation which will be detrimental to the interest of the serving teachers in as much as the proposed fixation of pay under ACPS will be regressive in nature, in as much as the teachers salary will be frozen as on the date of fixation for many years in the name of implementation of the ACP scheme. This cannot be the object of the ACP scheme as it is aimed at Career Progression and not career freeze or career regression
4. In this connection we would like to state that since the ACP scheme is only a switch over from the earlier scheme of senior/Selection scale from 09.08.1999 in view of better prospects under ACP scheme and on the grand that both the scheme of time –bound promotion under the earlier scheme of Senior/Selection Scale regime or ACPS cannot run concurrently, this clarification issued order letter cited of the Department of Education & Literacy does not seem to be consistent with the objectiveof the ACP scheme and therefore ,not in order.
5. We state that when the benefits under senior /selection scale are negated while switching over to the ACP scheme on 09.08.1999 ,the fixation of pay of those teachers on selection scale with reference to pay so fixed in the senior grade (Scale ) as clarified at MHRD/DOPT end would also not be in order ,it seems.
6. As the financial up gradation under ACPS has to be granted in the hierarchy without negating the benefits of scheme enjoyed prior to 09.08.1999 ,we consider that it is necessary that the teachers in the enjoyment of Senior Scale /selection scale have to be allowed the fixation under FR 22 (1) (a) (1) on senior scale and selection scale respectively as on 09.08.1999 as hierarchy promotion is not merely the higher pay scale attached to the promotion post but it is also inclusive of fixation benefit accruing under FR 22 (1) (a) (1) to treat the senior scale and selection scale as first and second financial upgradation under ACP scheme.
7. We would ,therefore, like to interview on the issue in detail , associating the concerned authorities from the DOPT to find a just and lasting solution to the pending vexed issued which is being eagerly awaited by the retiring and retired teachers since 1999.
8. We look forward to your early reply.
General Secretary,
Headmasters' (Primary, Gr I & Gr II) Association,
Mob- 09443360007
Monday, September 27, 2010
Can my employer force me to avail Govt quarters and deny HRA
P. Sridharan,
Pattabiram, Chennai
DELTA is Best.....
Dr. Manjit Singh,
JNV Malhar, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Can you co-operate us for better education in Pakistan
Mureed Hussain,
Mari Development Foundation,
National Highway,
Kotri Kabir District,
Naushahero Feroze,
Sindh, Pakistan
I appreciate your efforts for teaching society
How much amount is to be deposited as contribution/ donation
Naresh Chandra,
AEO/DEO of MCD are not sanctioning HPL for teachers
K K Shukla,
Karawal Nagar, Delhi
The Children Education Assistance Allowance should be exempted from tax
M K Sharma,
Delhi Public School,
East of Kailash, New delhi
My initial appointment as TGT was Ad-hoc and being denied MACPS
Seema Khetarpal,
Pitampura, New Delhi
May I claim for CCL on the basis of my new home constructed in Noida (UP)
Bindu Marwah,
Nithari, Delhi
How much we have to wait for 60% arrears
Dorothy Rodrigues
Head of school is not agree to Central Govt Orders for CCL
Vijay Rani,
Janakpuri, New Delhi
Teachers' Association, Puducherry writes to DOPT and struggles for FR 22 1 (a) 1
[Affiliated to the Confederation of Puducherry, Govt Employees Associations and School Teachers Federation of India ]
No. 3, 1st cross, Gubert Nagar, Bharathipuram,
Shri Santanu Consul ,
Secretary (P) Division,
112,North Block,
Department of Personnel and Training,
Respected sir,
We, the teachers of Puducherry U.T. want a clarification from DOPT regarding fixation of pay as it is final in the case of ACP.
Sir, ACP scheme was extended to the school teachers in lieu of the then existing time bound scheme of conferment senior scale /selection scale. Teachers who were drawing senior scale on or after 01-01-1986 were to be considered for grant of ACP wef 9-8-99.
While the fixation of pay on conferment of Senior scale shall be done under FR 22 1 (a) 2, under ACP scheme shall be allowed under FR 22 1 (a) 1 . According to your clarifications any higher grade drawn prior to 9-8-99 under time bound promotion/ in situ promotion need not be withdrawn and it will be a switchover to the ACP Scheme as on 9-8-99.
Pay benefits already drawn up to 9-8-99 in the higher grade are not to be recovered.So the pay actually drawn on 9-8-99 in the Senior scale of pay of Rs. 5500-9000 for a primary school teacher and fixed under FR 22 1 (a) 1 in the same scale of pay of RS. 5500-9000 admissible to the post of H.M. (Pri.)
This is further substantiated by the fact that Primary School Teacher in the Senior scale after 12 years (Rs 5500-9000) getting promotion as Head Master Primary in the identical scale of RS 5500- 9000 is entitled to fixation under FR22 1 (a) 1 as per the clarification letter received from MHRD in LR .no 78/203 –UT-1 dt. 15- 9- 2005, Min. of H.R.D.Deptt. of Secondary and Higher Education, New Delhi.
Directorate of accounts & treasuries ,Puducherry feels that the pay in the entry grade scale of Pri. School Teacher is to be notionally arrived at up to 9-8-99 in the scale of 4500-7000 and fixed under FR 22 1 a 1 in the higher scale of Head master Pri. at Rs 5500. The fall in pay resulting out of such fixation may be protected by granting personal pay to be adjusted against future increments.
As the grant of senior scale and was with a view to attract and retain the talents of the teaching community and boost their morale , the edge granted has to be continued by granting fixation on the senior scale drawn by them.
As the essence and spirit of the ACP scheme is to provide two financial up gradation to the next higher scales of pay with fixation under FR 22 1 a 1 the fixation of pay treating the senior scale as 1st ACP will be depriving the employees of one half of the benefits intended by the ACP i.e. fixation under FR 22 1 (a) 1 .
In view of the position explained above We are to request that clarification orders may kindly be issued to the effect that the benefit of FR 22 1 (a) 1 may be granted on the scale drawn by the teacher as on date of eligibility for ACP.
Without a clarification order from you , thousands of teachers , including hundreds of retired teachers are waiting eagerly for 11 years to implement ACP .We suppose that though the teachers have a clear case ,the jealousy superintends blocking the benefits to the teaching community and we propose series of agitation including, picketing on Teachers Day.
So ,we request you sir .issue a clarification order at an early date and avoid the agitations proposed with pain.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
R. Chandrasekaran
(General Secretary),
Teachers' Association, Puducherry
My mother's salary is not according to 6CPC
BASIC- 8900 DP- 4450 DA[24%]-3204 TOTAL -16554
Sir, kindly tell me, what should be my present salary after the implementation of SIXTH PAY COMMISSION?
Taruna Handa
How to switch over to ACP from senior scale in Puducherry
1. A C P Scheme is implemented to all central govt employees wef 9-8-99 . Do the teachers of puducherry U.T. eligible or not?
2. Will the senior scale prior to 9-8-99 run concurrently?
3.If not, how to switch over from senior scale to 1st ACP on 9-8-99 ?
4.Both are having identical scale.In senior scale a teacher gets only higher scale and not notional increment as in the cases of regular promotion and insitu promotion. so, while switching over to ACP from senior scale , is not the teacher eligible for the notional increment under FR 22 1 a 1 ?
5.Could the teacher be forfeited the benefits of senior scale prior to 9-8-99 in the name of conferring 1st ACP?
6. ACP scheme is meant to benefit one without promotion above 12 years of service. while conferring ACP would he get loss?
7.Is there any clarification from DOPT ,particularly about teachers.Give the order. 8.Without taking the senior scale (in my case from 20- 2 -90),can we go back to the entry scale and calculate the basic pay upto 9-8-99 and fix ACP?
8.In regular promotion from senior scale PST to HM Primary /TGT,the pay is fixed , though they are identical ,he is fixed in the same scale but with notional increment under FR 22 1 a 1 .Is there any order to reject the same method to fix the pay while switching over to ACP from SENIOR scale?
Sir ,without a clarification from DOPT DELHI,thousands of teachers of puducherry are not implemnted a clear order for 11 years. Bureaucrats of puducherry want only block the implementation. Could u all please help us to get a clarification to this effect?
M. Vasudevan,
KGMS Davidpet, Puducherry
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I was PRT, later joined DASS grade II, will past service be protected
Macchita Malik
I have applied for membership but got no confirmation
Neetu Chhabra,
Nithari, Rohini, Delhi
My present pay is 9500, what must be on 01/04/2010
Saroj Bhanot
DAV school, Bhatinda, Punjab
My wife has to join as LDC in Haryana, can she avail maternity leave
Sandeep Singhal
Can I change permanent and home address in service book
Vimal Kumar V G
Whether ST candidates can get reservation in Delhi
N S Dass
What should be the basic pay of a lecturer
R S Bhattacharjee
What are the rules regarding senior scale
(2) 40 members of our school want to join DELTA. pl advise
Manjinder Kaur Kalsi
DAV school, Bhatinda, Punjab
Earned leave abolished or not
Is it must for an aided school Teacher to take NOC for going abroad
Why we teachers are given Spl Earned Leave for Census, why not encashable EL
K C Saxena
Let me know the upper age limit for PRT in Delhi
I feel morally and ethically strong against the exploitation done by Army Public School
2. At the time of joining a contract was drwan and notarised in the court, which assured me a salary of Rs 12090 plus Rs 4800/-. After one year, I was confirmed and assured an increment wef 01 Apr 2010.
3. Suddenly in July 10 I was verbally informed that the AWES has decided to refix the salary wef 01 Apr 2009. As per the revised conditions, all newly appointed (wef 01 Apr 2009) PGT / TGT / PRT who are in the pay scale 9300 to 34800 (PB2), will start from a common starting salary, viz. Rs 9300/-. The only difference will be the grade pay i.e Rs 4800 / 4600/ 4200.
4. They implemented a salary cut with effect from the salary for June 2010. This was followed by a written letter which stated that the excess paid over the past 14 months will also be reduced.
5. On going through the Govt of India gazette for 6 PC, the State of Maharashtra orders, the Maharashtra Private school Act, RTE Act 2009 and Kendriya Vidyalaya rules, I found it totally unjustified.
6. Implementation of this draconian interpretation of the 6PC recommendation means that the difference between newly appointed PRT/TGT/PGT will be merely Rs 200-Rs 400/- despite there being a wide difference in the prerequisite qualification and quantum of responsibility of a PGT. Further, it will widen the gap between pre 2009 PGT and post Apr 2009 PGT though both are dispensing the same duties.
7. The concerned authorities have turned a deaf ear to the problem and are willing to pay heed only if there is a court order. Since individually it will not be possible to fight it out against an organisation like the AWES, I seek your help to explore the possibilities of finding a resolution to the issue.
8. The school hides behind the Society Act and avoids paying full DA / HRA rates to the teachers (except for APS, Dhaula Kuan, Delhi), and do not extend any other benefits to the teachers. I am not sure about the legal issues but morally and ethically I feel strongly against it and would want to find as to how you can be help me.
Bipasha Deb
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I have to search a junior getting more pay than me
I am pgt teacher in the prevoious scale of 6500-200-10500. my basic pay at the time of 01.01.2006 was 6900. i got the revised pay scale of 12840 plus grade pay of rs 4800. where as the revised pay scale of pgt is 13350 plus employer refused to give me the new scale citing that you have to show the case of one junior who is drawing pay more than me.they are also citing one examble that since your basic pay as on 01-07-2006 is rs 13370 plus grade pay 4800, you are not eligible for rs 13350 plus 4800 scale as on 01-01-2006, kindly guide me how i should pursue my case. also suggest me the exact guidelines for pay fixation. Rohit Singla PGT Commerce |
May I know the age limit for PRT
Princey Antony
I want to go abroad, need new proforma to apply for NOC
Am I eligible for maternity leave immediately on Joining the service
Dr. Nidhi,
Senior Resident,
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital,
New Delhi
I am on probation and being denied Child Care Leave
Bharti Srivastava,
KV Shaktinagar
I got promotion as TGT from Asst Teacher, but not getting 17140
Pao IX is refusing to pass salary bill on Rs 17140, they have fixed me on Rs 16560
Jai Shankar Roy
RPVV Civil Lines, Delhi
Keep working in the interest of teachers
Mohammad Arif
GBSS Begampur, Delhi
I get transferred on spouse ground but not relieved
I am an employee of KVS. I was transferred on Posting with spouse ground on 07/05/2010. But could not get relieved from my station as they made an amendment in the Transfer Guidelines on 14/05/2010 stating that working place the spouse should be within 100 km from the station to where the employee have been transferred. Then they deleted my name from the final priority list-1 as a result the person in the second came upto the first postition got transfer. In effect i didnt get transfer either in posting with spouse ground and in general ground.The guideline para.12.4(ii) states that the name of an employee should be deleted only after accommodating on posting with spouse. Till now KVS have not published the amendment on 14/05/2010 in their website. Plz help me.
John C V
I am being denied Child Care Leave, my baby is 8 months old
Devi N.
Catering Asst in NVS are being exploited, No fixed working hours, No promotion...
1.Unjustified working hrs. for catering assistants with daily 15hrs. of working a bounded labour . It starts from serving B/F at 7:00am to 10:00pm of midnight.
2.There are no promotional avenues for catering assistants .Govt. of India has provided opportunity among the 10%of eligible Group \"D\" staff for promotion through competitive LDE for the post of LDC/store keeper as channel of promotion to Group D staff within an organisation.But it is the cat. asstts. who has been deprived of any promotional avenue.
3.Unjustified framing of recruitment rule for cat.asstt: NVS has failed to frame the recruitment rulr for the cat.asstt. The minimum essential qulification eligibility condition prescribed for the recruitment to the post of Cat. Asstt. the time in 1993 was secondary school with 3years diploma in catering technology, which was later subsequently diluted in 1995 by the NVS.
4. Unjustified pay scale for catering assistants: Pay scale of catering assistant is miserable and placed in the scale of 4000-6000. where as persons with the same level of qualification are getting higher scale.
Sir, one of the sister organisation the Sainik school under defence ministry has a post of catering manager with the scale of 5000-8000.
It has been brought to the notice of honorable officers of NVS but till date no suitable steps were initiated.
These discrepancies may kindly be sorted out that the catering assistantss may not feel humiliated while working in NVS. At last ,we appreciate your forum with hope that the depth of our sentiments are perceived by your forum, and the matter of catering assistants working in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti put forward by your forum , so that the catering assistants of NVS would be highly obliged of you for ever.
Jai Ram Trivedi
Catt. Asstt.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I am not being given family planning allowance after promotion
PRT fixation is done according to tables of DELTA
Shokat Ali
JNV Karimganj, Assam
Is your network only for Delhi teachers or for all
1. What happened to bunching?
2. Why MACP is not for teachers?
Aruvankadu, Nilgiris,
Exams in MCD schools should be done strictly
Birendra Prasad Sah,
Dwarka, Delhi
I have lost my job due to my age, I am 42 years old
Meena Aggarwal
Friday, May 14, 2010
I want to write about education in Andaman and Nicobar islands
M.Panneer Selvam,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
I want to know about Probation Period
2) In case it is one year then what is the status of a teacher who has completed one year of service and no termination or extention of probation notice has been served upon her/him.
3) What is the legal position of the employee is the appointment letter clearly states that\"
Initially you will be on a probation period of one year and during this period your services can be terminated by the management. Also the said probation period can be extended by the management. You will continue to be on probation till your services are confirmed by the managing committe in writing.\"
......... And one year of service is already over and no notice either for confirmation or for extention of probation has been given to the employee teacher.
Ashish Sahni
I have applied for TGT punjabi, want to know DSSSB results
What about Earned Leave denied for teachers
Ashish Kumar Pathak
How pay for the HPL will be calculated
Satbir Brajwal,
Office Incharge,
Kendriya Vidyalaya,
Bagafa,South Tripura
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Work is worship
Kodigala Chandraiah
NCC Officer, Eastern Railway School,
Khurda Road, Orissa
Can you send me the list of Directly recruited TGT from Jan2006
Preeti Ahlawat
Can I avail maternity leave if the newborn was not alive
I need leave encashment form
Please provide application form of leave encashment along with LTC
Thanks with regards
Rajesh Chaudhary
(Sr Special Correspondent)
Why census in Vacation, Why not after summer vacation???
Sushma Jain,
East Vinod Nagar, New Delhi
Thursday, April 1, 2010
DAV Public school detained my daughter in clas VI, Kindly help the child
Dr. J N Pandey
Gurgaon (Haryana)
We run a private un-aided school in Tamilnadu, please help telephonically
1. We are interested in framing the minimum payscales as per the 6th pay comission recommendation of Tamilnadu/India.We need your advice on getting a standard template/calculater
2. We are presently approved by State government as Primary school. This year we admit 6th & 7th classes. We are in the process of setting up a new school as per CBSE bye law. We are interested in filing application for affiliation of CBSE up to 8th std directly. Will it be possible? I wish to discuss with your team telephonically. Kindly respond. Thanlks
It is necessary to take prior permission for using taxi
Ravindra S Bist
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Congrats for the nobel cause!
Rakesh Bal
Rohini , New Delhi
Whether child care leave is for mentally retarded children only as our officers say
MCD primary school, DELHI
Why Music teachers in KV are not getting TGT scales if they are teaching up to class 10
Prabhat Kumar
KV Tanjore, Tamilnadu
Fix my new basic as it was 6375 on 01/01/2006
Why Railway school have no Teachers Association
Ram Krishan Majumdar
Alipurduar, Jaipaiguri,
West Bengal
How pay will be fixed after promotion in 2007
date of increment i.e 1st July.
Kindly reply how my pay will be fixed as per 6th CPC.
It is a great work done by you all
K V 1,
Vasco, Goa
Friday, March 5, 2010
I got the desired information through RTI, thanks for your advice
Anushaktinagar, Mumbai
I appreciate the efforts of DELTA
I want to know classification of services in various ministries
Jacob Thomas
The pay is less than juniors in Assam Rifles
You are, therefore, earnestly requested to re-examine the case and fix my pay as per above cited references and oblige. Hoping for an early reply. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Sd- Dated:12th FEB’2010
Rajesh Kumar,
Hindi Teacher (Graduate),
10 Assam Rifles, C/O 99 APO.
Junior to Librarian in KVS are getting more pay
D A Baderiya
The decisions in NAC meetings thrown me in distress
Nagabhusanarao Mula,
E C Railway Primary school,
Vizianagram, Andhra Pradesh
When the new order on transfer policy of NVS will come in effect
K C Dubey
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What is the Pay Band on selection scale TGT in KVS
I would like to know my seniority in the attendance roll
Jayant Manohar Pandey
Sainik School, Satara, Maharashtra
PAO is not agree that TGT is in group B
Sanjay Paliwal
SUPW teacher is fixed below librarian!!!
S C Upreti
The HOS refused to sanction CCL and threatening to join school
1. Please guide me, shall I join the school and move my file ?
2. Can I go in for CCL ?
3. Can I do something so that July\'09 onwards CCL can be considered as no leave has been sanctioned as of now for that period ?
Thanx a lot !
What should be my pay as PGT on 07-07-2009 as direct recruit
I humbly and earnestly beg to submit a few lines for your kind and sympathetic on the matter as stated below with a prayer the kind sir may view it favourably and do the needful to advise and guide me as requested:
With due respect, I came across Web-Site through online internet and I found that your goodself may advice, guide and grant the necessary Pay Fixation in my respect as I am facing injustice by receiving my present scale as such. I am very much confusion in my Pay Fixation as per 6th Pay Commission.
Sir, I was appointed direct recruit as Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) on 07-07-2009 in pre-Revised Scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500. Now, since 6th Pay Commission has been declared and in effect. What should be my initial pay in Pay Band and initial basic pay as on 07-07-2009 according to 6th Pay Commission?
The kind sir may please take a merciful view in this matter.
I hope your honor’s blessing with preparation of my pay fixation as per 6th Pay Commission. In view of the above, I shall ever remain grateful and obliged to you sir if I am entertained your goodself through your goodself’s kind advise and guidelines on my gmail address.
I thank your goodself in anticipation.
Vijay Bamania
What is the residency period for Railway School Teachers
Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh
How pay is fixed in Delhi, KVS nad NVS
sir i want to know what pay fix. in delhi govt. & kvs & nvs done in same of my case
plese tell me thanks
O P Dhaker
Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh
KVS officials are fixing my pay as 9300+ 4800 only
The website is useful
I am a regular user of this website. I found many valuable information in the site.
Anushaktingar, Mumbai
Monday, February 1, 2010
LTC endorsed or not in Directorate of Education ,Delhi
Sudhansu Sharma
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I want to join before summer vacation and then resign
Monday, January 18, 2010
Transport allowance is not given to those who did seminar in summer vacation
I want to create awareness among the teaching community and want to work and create Zonal level committee for the early reaching the concerned for their cause. I will give my best wishes for the growth of this org.
Rakesh Bhandari
Rohini, New Delhi
Whether these degrees will remain valid
J S Roy
I am not fixed as per your tables
1. my pay is not at all as per your table,
2. my fixed on 1.1.06 is 6550*1.86=12190
3.grade pay is 4600
4. govt orders pay for new direct recruits as on or after 1.1.06 is 12540 + gp 4600, which is more than my pay fixed on 1.1.06.
5. there is no direct recruit till 2007 in my post whereas there are element of direct recruit in other posts in same cadre (5500-175-9000 pay scale) were recruited contineuously and drawing more pay.
if you provide me at the earliest about my.....I shall be thankful to you all.
From which date I am entitled for MACPS
M.M. Gupta
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The schools run by Deptt of Space are not implementing MACPS
Is this circular beneficial for teachers???
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure Implementation Cell
New Delhi, dated the 13th November, 2009.
Subject: Grant of the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 to posts that existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 1.1.2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4200 in the pay band PB-2.
Sixth Pay Commission recommended merger of the three pre-revised scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 and replaced them by the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4200 in the pay band PB-2. Vide para 2.2.21 (v) of its Report, the Commission recommended that on account of the merger of these 3 scales, some posts which constituted feeder and promotion grades would come to lie in an identical grade. The Commission gave specific recommendations in its Report granting higher grade pay of Rs.4600 to some categories of these posts. As regards the other posts, the Commission recommended that it should first be seen if the posts in these 3 scales can be merged without any functional disturbance and if possible, the same should be done. Further, the Commission recommended that in case it is not feasible to merge the posts in these pay scales on functional consideration, the posts in the scale of Rs.5000-8000 and Rs.5500-9000 should be merged with the posts in the scale of Rs.6500-10500 being upgraded to the next higher grade in the pay band PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4600 corresponding to the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500. In case a post already exists in the scale of Rs.7450-11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of Rs.6500-10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of Rs.7450-11500. para (ii), Section I in Parts B and C of the First Schedule to the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008. While Part B of the First Schedule to the CCS (RP) Rules relates to revised pay scales for common categories of staff, Part C notifies revised pay structure for certain posts in Ministries, Departments and Union Territories. The above provisions of the Rules specifically mentioned that upgradations in terms of para (ii) Section I may be done in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. Expenditure has received a large number of references from administrative ministries/departments proposing upgradadon of the posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 1.1.2006 by granting them grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2. The matter has been considered and it has now been decided that the posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 1.1.2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4200 in the pay band PB-2, will be granted grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 corresponding to the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500 w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Further, in terms of the, aforementioned provisions of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, in case a post already existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500, the posts being upgraded from the scale of Rs.6500-10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of Rs.7450-11500. Government servants in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 who were earlier granted grade pay of Rs.4200 and who have already exercised their option for drawal of pay in the revised pay structure in the format prescribed in the Second Schedule to the Rules, will be fixed again in accordance with illustration 4A annexed to CCS (RP) Rules, 2008. Rs.6500-10500 who were earlier granted grade pay of Rs.4200 and who had opted to have their pay fixed under CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, action as prescribed in this Department\'s O.M. of even number dated 30th August, 2008 will be taken. In case a Government servant desires to revise his earlier option for coming over to the revised pay structure, he may be permitted to do so without making any reference to this Department. Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2, arrears of pay will be recalculated and difference of arrears in respect of the entire amount will be paid immediately. The manner of drawal of arrears has already been indicated in this Department\'s O.M. of even number dated 30.8.2008.
7. Hindi version will follow.
To All Ministries/Departments of Government of India and others (as per standard list).
Om Prakash Joshi,
Vasco, GOA
Residency period recommended by fifth CPC is implemented or not
Andhra Pradesh
Teachers are in Group B or Group C?
Bharat Singh
Friday, November 27, 2009
I am handling two sections of 42 students from last 4 years
What are the facilities for physically handicapped
My wife joined Navodaya After delivery, is she eligible for maternity leave
Sailal C.
Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology
PTC, Mysore,Karnataka
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I am ready to go to Hon'ble CAT against increment in JULY only
Rekha Rani Sharma
Can I exercise the option or not ?
Date of joining is 23/01/84 I opted Fifth Pay commission from the date of Sr.Scale on 24/01/96 granting. My basic pay was 1950/- on 1st. January,1996 .After given my option my pay was fixed 6900/- on 24/01/96.Till last month I was getting my pay accordingly . But according to the audit party I can not exercise the option. So the fixed my pay 24/01/06 is 6500/- they ordered for recovery Rs.127000/-. According the 5th pay commission only three person can nopt exercise option 1. Fresh appointment 2. Transferee from another department 3. Promoted Isent a RTI asking them weather sr.Schale is promotion . I got reply that it is not a promotion it is financial upgradation. iam not promotee person so I can exercise the option or not? Please guide me how to fight in Hon'ble CAT.
Surender Kumar Sharma
TGT drawing
What is the pay scale of school-inspector
Ajeet Kumar Pandey
We are not getting even pen, duster from Principals
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Suggesting for making you a better organisation than others...
Kindly let me know how to pay the contribution
Sajith S Nair
Bhuj, Gujrat
I want to swap from NVS to KVS
Shashi Bhushan
क्या आप दूसरी संस्थाओं की मदद कर सकते हैं
What is the age of retirement of school teachers
Ruchi Sharma
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Whether encashment of EL during LTC endorshed in Directorate of Education
Sudhanshu Sharma
My DNI is February 2006, why I will get increment after 17 months!!!
Rekha Rani
Please do Re-postmortem.....WOW!!!
Tarun 13/09/2009
I have a complete solution of related to implimentation of six pay commission revised pay ccs rule 2008.The report of this commission and GAZETTE OF INDIA and OFFICE MEMORANDUM of implementation cell, government of india and OFFICE ORDER of GNCT dated 18/09/2008 are exactly correct.BUT THE MIS-UNDERSTANDING OF PAO, DDOs, various unions,and all the employees all over india DISPLAY A WRONG METHODS and confused. THE MISTAKE IS COMES FROM MIS-UNDERSTANDING OF RULE 7 1 WITH BOTH THE CONDITION ON APPLYING ON REVISED PAYBAND/PAY SCALE ( WHERE IS APPLICABLE ). I request to you ,DELTA prepare new fixation tables and work done in favour of govt employees of all over india.I give full copration in table prepration.
Tarun Kumar 19/09/2009